Digital PRs: How to Report Like a Tech SEO
I recently gave a talk at the Online PR Show at Brighton SEO on how to go beyond coverage and links to show the SEO impact and true value of your digital PR work.
If you saw the talk, or you’re just interested in learning how to take your digital PR reporting up a level, here’s a ready-made template for analysing keyword performance and working out ROI.
With this, you can quantify how your work contributed to increasing your client’s visibility in search, driving additional traffic and most lucratively, driving additional sales.
How to show the SEO impact of digital PR
You can see my presentation here:
Visibility in search: To analyse keyword performance after a digital PR campaign, you’ll need:
- A list of keywords
- Breakdown of keyword rank before and after the activity
Traffic: To calculate the increase in traffic to your client’s site based on the keyword rank improvements your work has contributed towards, you’ll need:
- A list of keywords
- Breakdown of MSV before and after
- Breakdown of keyword rank before and after
ROI: To work out ROI based on incremental revenue contribution, you’ll need:
- A list of keywords
- Breakdown of MSV before and after
- Breakdown of keyword rank before and after
- Increase in traffic
- SEO click-through rate (from client)
- SEO conversion rate (from client)
The template for calculating all of the above is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MlBEx75hvy5BIZBLqUalwLyWmYeT4iH0GtrRrpPA-0g/edit?usp=sharing
I hope that’s been useful, and good luck with wowing your clients even more, winning more awards, winning more clients and attracting better talent.