Scrap your ex for Scrap Car Comparison
How we turned scrapping cars into Valentine’s Day headlines all over the world
It can be difficult to gain cut through, coverage and those all important links for a niche subject like scrapping cars and become relevant to a wide-ranging mainstream audience. This requires us to constantly come up with new ways to make car scrap newsworthy. Crucially, a big challenge for us is to make the subject of scrapping cars relevant to the sort of media that someone who needs to scrap their car will read - and this isn't always motoring press. But instead lifestyle websites and well-read national publications. Valentine's Day might a not sound like perfect fit for this. But for us, it presented the ideal opportunity to gain Scrap Car Comparison attention (and backlinks) on a global scale.
What we did
Digital PR
PR Campaigns
International PR
The campaign recieved widespread media attention on an international scale, across print, broadcast and online media.
pieces of coverage
Average domain authority
If you’ve recently suffered from heart break or are trying to get over an ex-partner, Valentine’s Day can be a date on the calendar you’ll just want to get through and pretend isn’t happening. So to help provide some closure and offer an alternative to the mass of couples-focused Valentine’s stories during January/February 2024, we decided to give spurned lovers a unique opportunity: to send their ex to the scrap heap!
Knowing that journalists love fun picture stories that tie in with big events, we staged a photo shoot at a scrap yard to visualise exactly how the new service would work, with cars ready for the scrap heap being emblazoned with an ex’s name, before being crushed and dismantled. The fitting form of car-tharsis!
Armed with our imagery that would help to sell the story, we opened up an entry form on the Scrap Car Comparison website to allow anyone in the world to submit their exes name. Giving people a chance to get this closure, as well as providing journalists with a real reason to link back to Scrap Car Comparison.
The impact
Giving people the chance to ‘scrap’ their ex partners helped us to overcome the challenge of making scrap mainstream. Thanks to coverage in everywhere from Forbes and Fox News to the Express and ABC, we saw a notable increase in searches for the Scrap Car Comparison brand.
The campaign also resonated particularly well internationally, with our choice to open entries up to anyone around the world being a deliberate one. We knew by doing this, we would achieve a broader, much more varied spread of coverage, mentions and links. This decision translated into links from the likes of Greek, Dutch, Spanish and Indian publications, in addition to high levels of media attention in America. Here our outreach efforts led to links from top-tier American news sites, in addition to multiple news anchors discussing the unusual scheme during their prime-time news broadcasts.