Press Office

Reactive marketing that gets results 

One key tactic that our team uses as part of our award-winning digital PR strategy is running an ‘always-on’ press office for our clients. We’re constantly monitoring the news cycle in order to jump on the world’s most talked-about stories and place our clients at the centre of conversation.

From reactive expert commentary to topical data stories, we craft our press office stories so that they are directly aligned to products and key categories, enabling us to build links to focus service pages, and drive real SEO impact.

Our press office activity can be broadly categorized into two distinct yet complementary strategies – proactive and reactive.

Our Press Office approaches

Proactive press office

A proactive press office digital PR strategy involves leveraging topical hooks or emerging trends to proactively develop stories well in advance of them breaking in the news – ranging from small data-based studies to expert-led tips, advice and product send-outs.

Not all proactive press office stories require a time-specific hook, but some of our best-performing activations have been tied into some of the most talked about holidays and calendar events. From revealing the little-known skincare benefits of Guinness around St Paddy’s Day, to warning against TikTok car date nights in the run up to Valentine’s Day, we’re consistently consulting our calendars to spot the most newsworthy hooks for our clients.

The majority of our proactive press office stories also utilise and showcase the expertise of leaders within your business and help present your business as the leading expert voice in your industry. Positioning your brand as an expert in their field is not only hugely beneficial from a brand-building perspective, but also demonstrates E.E.A.T (experience, expertise, authority and trust) - one of Google’s core ranking signals.

From warning plant owners about the most toxic plants to pets for our client Patch Plants, to revealing the little-known laws homeowners are breaking for our client in the property space – we're adept at leveraging the experts you already have working in your business, to gain press coverage which is going to elevate your brand and build impactful backlinks.

Reactive press office

Reactive press office tactics involve agile responses to fast-moving industry trends, breaking news and journalist requests. Whether it's capitalizing on timely news hooks, or engaging in real-time conversations, reactive press office tactics allow us to insert the brands we work with into relevant conversations, while driving relevant traffic to key product pages to support organic SEO goals.

This always-on digital PR tactic relies on the speed of our digital PR team who will take care of the whole reactive process for you: from spotting the news opportunity, to writing the content and pitching it out to journalists. For our clients, we’ve reacted to everything from a Lionesses-inspired increase in demand for sports bras, to the new season of Emily in Paris.

By using a combination of both proactive and reactive press office tactics, we’re able to leverage our clients’ brand expertise while also building powerful links to key service or product pages.

The Digital PR Press Office process

Our digital PR team are experts in devising press office strategies which establish your brand as a leader in your field, and secure organic coverage (and backlinks) from some of the world’s most widely read publications. 

We are constantly tapped into the news cycle and are the experts in spotting a good story – allowing us to jump on the most relevant, newsworthy opportunities ahead of your competitors. 

We’ll work with your business to identify the most relevant experts for you to leverage and create a calendar of both reactive and proactive press office opportunities, which are tied into some of the world’s most talked about pop culture events, industry happenings and national holidays. We’ll also collaborate with our strategy, content, tech SEO and paid media teams, to ensure every press office story is aligned with your overarching business aims, and relevant to commercially valuable product or service pages, so that we’re building links which will drive maximum SEO impact.  

The benefits of incorporating press office activity into your digital PR strategy

Build links to key category pages

Building links to a blog post or homepage is great, but more focused SEO impact can be achieved by building links to key commercial, product or service pages. It doesn’t often make sense for journalists to link back to these kinds of pages when writing about ‘hero’ campaigns (eg. large data studies or an experiential stunt), however we have consistent success in building links, and therefore the visibility of product or service pages via smaller press office stories.

Establish your brand as an expert

Whether a proactive or reactive press office story, this digital PR tactic is perfect for any brand looking to establish themselves as experts in their field, and land coverage and links on hyper-relevant publications. We’ll identify key topics and themes for your experts to talk about and in turn, devise newsworthy story ideas around these, enabling us to present you as the experts on publications your target audience is reading week in, week out.

Stay ahead of the competition

With more and more businesses competing for space in a journalist’s inbox, press office stories allow you to stay proactive and ahead of your competitors, by building relationships with journalists and making yourselves known as media-friendly experts that they can rely on. As press office stories are typically quicker to produce than a ‘hero’ campaign, there are also lots of opportunities to experiment with formats and topics in order to maximise coverage and keep your brand front of mind and top of Google.

Secure international coverage

Whether your business is based solely in the UK or is operating in countries further afield, our press office strategies are crafted to secure links and coverage from all over the world. We’re experts in creating stories which tap into the world’s most topical conversations, allowing us to earn the attention of journalists and audiences globally - ensuring your brand receives the widespread recognition it deserves.

Do you need some press office prowess to make your brand famous? Want to get your hands on our team’s agile creativity to build links to key category pages? Get in touch here.